Alex and Arthur: Artman Update

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Artman Update

There's something wrong with Arthur's right hind leg.  We're not exactly sure but he's not putting as much weight on it when he stands and I've noticed him limping off and on over the past couple of weeks.  French Bulldogs are prone to back and knee problems so anytime it looks like something could be wrong I whisk him off to the vet's.  

His vet investigated and couldn't feel anything wrong with his spine and knee.  She also mentioned that he'd be showing more signs and we'd notice that he's in pain if there was something major wrong.  Rather than x-ray him right off the bat, she ordered him on an exercise sabbatical to see if the problem is either soft tissue damage or another minor injury that would heal naturally with time and rest.  So we've been couch potato buddies for the past three weeks, which means we've been watching non-stop TV/movies and we're both becoming chunky monkeys.

Just thought I'd share a few photos of Arthur from the past couple of weeks, just in case you aren't following me on Instagram.

Last weekend Ghostbusters was on TV, so Arthur and I busted out the P.K.E meter.

We went for a short family walk and I tied a free balloon around his harness (I'm mean)

He was lazy -- big surprise!

This one...well I have no idea what he's doing here.  There is literally nothing under the couch, not even dust bunnies.

Currently my little dude is sleeping beside me and expelling the most noxious fumes I've ever smelled.  Hopefully his leg gets better soon  because I really miss taking him to the park and going for walks.

Alex & Arthur

I'm going to do a TIFF update tomorrow - I wanted to do Two TIFF Tuesday today but I'm having the worst time trying to figure out a schedule that would allow me to see all the films on the top of my list.  Tomorrow's post is going to be less about "what I really want to see" and more "what I CAN see."

1 comment:

  1. My Lily had back and knee surgery. Paws crossed for Arthur. No JUMPING
    Benny & Lily



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